Miss Emily Brown to Emily Millard

em prism lookingDear Friends,

I am excited to announce that I will be making a shift in my artist name in preparation for my new 2016 releases. I’ll be dropping my moniker and releasing my new music under my birth name, Emily Millard.

Miss Emily Brown will always be part of who I am. It is a charmed name that was given to me by my first artistic community in Victoria BC, back in 2002. The name was created one famous day after first year university exams, when my friend Emilie and I decided to become roommates. She had luminescent blonde hair, practically white. I was a brunette like always. We were dubbed Emilie White and Emily Brown, the ‘Emilies’, and together we were known as The Beige.

When I played my first show later that year, everyone thought Emily Brown was my real name. I wanted people to come to my show, so I put Emily Brown on the poster. A friend added the Miss (maybe it was Chris Nohr?) as a final touch, like the icing on the cake.

I played under this moniker for fourteen years. I treasure this name, but it is time to cut out the middle-woman and offer my art directly, without a filter —be it stage name, brand, or anything else that feels less than completely authentic.

I invite you to follow me under this new name, new website and new social media accounts. There is so much art coming that I’ve been working on over the last three years.

Thank you dearly for your ongoing support of my work. For sharing in this artistic journey, for sharing yourselves with me along the way.

From the heart, Emily. (Millard). xo

p.s. here’s a link to a ‘best of’ photo album I made from pics over the last ten years

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